
Sunday, September 21, 2008

(Random picture of the day: Remains of candle wax by lil kids. Colorful, dirty, but pretty.)

I met most of the important people in my life today.

I met Piggy for a brief walk in the supermarket while we talked. Wasn't long, but we knew it didn't matter.
I met Hui & Joel for dinner (they ate, I didn't, as usual lol) and we talked. Same old topics, same old love we have.

Grandma came over after I reached home and we talked.
I told her, I couldn't learn how to swerve with a bicycle, I could only cycle straight. We laughed.
And she told me about how she met grandpa, her love story.

She was riding a bicycle downhill. Her brakes weren't working well enough, and her bicycle, together with her, rolled down the hill.
A guy passed by and laughed at her while picking her up. That guy, was my grandpa.
From laughing at her to teasing her, it slowly became until that they were married.
It seemed like a scene out of a book, a sweet one. But grandpa is now in heaven.
Maybe, grandma is missing him. I could somehow tell from the way she spoke of grandpa.

"He wouldn't stop laughing at me", she said.
"Laughed and laughed, until we got married, it's been decades since then."

I patted her shoulder and smiled at the sweet story.
I felt guilty for bringing up the topic, I didn't know how else to give her a response.
Sweet as it was, she was sad, somehow.

Grandpa, please continue to bless grandma from wherever you are.
With all the happiness she can ever receive, with everything she wants, & all the love she needs.


Seeing ___ gives me motivation to work on myself harder. I won't lose to her. Never.

How do you lose fat on your cheeks anyway? Sheesh!