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till now iim stil quite hypedUP sehs. hahahas. even though the gathering ended like what; 4plus 5? iim stil like OMGOMGOMG. LOLS. today's gathering with Vics VERYVERY fun lorhs xDD there was only like 15 of us niaas. small group ii like =) at first it rained like MAD den we were all drenched. = =" waited at a shelter for the rain to stop thn when it FINALLY did; Vics arrived. den starting was like; the whole group was DAMN quiet de cos nobody knew each other ma. i think j0ey Serene Shuqi & me made the most noise ba LOLs = =" den the organizers Lynn they all were like dont be shy. den they got take one photo of us 4 thn that photo sure weirdd de cos .. ers. =xxx LOLS. nvm lalala~
lalalas~ Vics give de. but i dont like peanut de leiis = =" LOL. nvm. keep as MEMOIR. hahas xPP but i think no one keep this kinda thing as memoir ba. = ="
i think after that we play heartattack and murderer with Vics. he cheat de lorhs. = =" supposed to pile uur hand there de but Vics NEVER de lorh. LOL. den when he did he keep press the pile den my hand was like PIAK become FLATTER. LMAOS. Vics everytime take his card also say aiya u all die le gimme this kinda cards i sure win de den everytime is other people heartattack first de. = =" but den kenna hit like so pain. LOL. Serene kenna hit alot of times = =" play murderer me and j0ey were like BLURR. den murderer supposed to blink one eye ba. BUT horhs me and j0ey cannot lorhs = =" so end up Vics say okay dont blink la we stick tongue out den we were all like diaaos = =" LOLS. play for awhile le when he was about to go le ask him help us sign stuffs and take photos cos he had to work. den the SFVM pp give him alort of food to tao pao = =" LOLS. den Vics say wo shi qu jogging lei stil gime so much = =" LOLS. when he walk away le we were like Vics! SFVM ting ni! den all the people ard Vics all look at him like he guai guai de liddat. LMAO. = ="
today was SOSOSOFUN! >"< VICS is CUTE de LORHS. lalalas~
tml stil can see Vics worhs. >"< WAHAHAS! xPP